Enlightened Soul Holistic Psychic FAIR Application
(This is a hidden page on the Expo website, for the purposes of using the Expo website's payment functions.
Thank you for your interest in our Enlightened Soul Holistic Psychic Fairs at the Enlightened Soul Center. If you are interested in participating, please fill out the application below to reserve your space and pay at the end, using the button in the pop-up window once you hit the "submit" button. No Paypal account is needed; you may pay with credit or debit card by scrolling to the BOTTOM of the Paypal window and selecting that option.
Our 2-Day Saturday & Sunday Fairs are held at our Center in Ann Arbor.
SATURDAYS, 12–6pm + SUNDAYS, 12–5pm
NEW! Held on 2 weekends a month, not necessarily 1st & 3rd weekends
Psychic Fair Space Rates:
READERS: $50 Sat. / $30 Sun. / $75 Sat. & Sun.
HEALERS: $50 Sat. / $30 Sun. / $75 Sat. & Sun.
VENDORS: NOTE! No individual-day pricing; please specify whether you intend
to vend both days or just one day — price is the same.
(a) One Indoor 6' Space ~ $50 Sat. & Sun.
(b) Two Indoor Spaces (fits either two 6' or one 6' and two smaller tables) ~ $75 Sat. & Sun.
(c) 11'x15' outdoor spot in the parking lot: $100 Sat.-Sun. Bring your own tent ~ Rain or shine, no refunds
PARTICIPANTS in the MARCH 2020 Expo that was cancelled due to the COVID-19 lockdown
can sign up for FREE spots in our Enlightened Soul Psychic Fairs to recoup their March 2020 Expo table/booth fees. Choose "Free Participant - March 2020 Expo," then select the date(s) you wish to participate and you will not pay a fee. OFFER EXTENDED indefinitely.
THE REGISTRATION FORM BELOW MAY BE MORE EASILY VIEWED ON A COMPUTER OR TABLET instead of a phone, if you have trouble with the form. OR, your Internet may be slow and you need to try again later.
FAIR DATES for 2025 [NOTE: Two weekends a month, not necessarily 1st & 3rd weekends]:
January 4–5
January 18–19: DISCOUNT WEEKEND! $1/minute sessions!
February 1–2
February 15–16
March 1–2
March 15–16
April 5–6
April 19 (Saturday only: Sunday is Easter)
May 3–4
May 17–18
June 7–8
June 21–22
JULY 12–13 (avoiding Independence Day weekend)
JULY 26–27 (avoiding Art Fair weekend)
AUGUST 23–24
SEPTEMBER 6–7 (avoiding Labor Day weekend)
OCTOBER 11–12 (avoiding U-M Home Football Game)
OCTOBER 25–26 (avoiding U-M Home Football Game)
NOVEMBER 8–9 (avoiding U-M Home Football Game)
December 6–7
December 20–21
PLEASE move your car from our parking lot after unloading; you can park
in the office parking lot next door. (Please save the spots on Central Street, the adjacent side street, for our customers, who may not think it is OK to park in the office lot next door. Thanks!)
PLEASE everyone, be on time so we have time to gather for an opening circle of intention/prayer around 11:50 am. We often have people waiting to get in as well. If you have a reason to come late, please notify Amy in advance. Sometimes, we would prefer to replace you with someone who can work the entire day. If you are running late, please TEXT Amy at 734-358-0218 with your ETA. As for leaving early, it is not allowed, as it is not fair to other practitioners and interferes with our mission. Our client flow is not predictable and we routinely get late clients in the last hour. People who leave early without prior approval will be banned from the Fair.
We display sign-up sheets and signs with your bio and photo on clipboards, centrally located. During the fair, attendees sign up for readings and energy work at each individual practitioner's clipboard. Readers and healers should check their clipboards and help maintain the list, along with the Session Host. PROCEDURE: Make a checkmark next to the person's name when taken for the session, cross thru their NAME ONLY when the session is over. Make sure the client who sits down is on your list and is next to be received; sometimes clients mistakenly sit down at an open seat without understanding the process. The cost for clients to receive a reading or energy work is $2/minute, with a 15-minute minimum. Readers, bodyworkers, and vendors are in charge of taking payments for their services and should bring cash change as well as a way to take credit cards. We need your bio and photo for our website and promotions, as well as for the sign we create for the registration area of the party; you can submit those as part of the below form.
A fair is an opportunity for clients to walk in and sign up for sessions and for practitioners to meet new clients. Sometimes, practitioners want to accommodate people they know, by offering them appointment times. A fair is not a place for appointments; it is unfair to the people who come in and sign up and wait for openings. In many cases, the client doesn't come on time and we have blocked off that time and put off someone in line for no reason. If a practitioner wants to make an appointment with someone, they should get approval from Amy first. Instead, it is best to ask the client to come early and be first in line so they don't have to wait. In addition, any approved appointments still must register for and pay for the Fair and it is your responsibility to inform them in advance.
FURNITURE (No furniture provided for outdoor booths):
We have chairs for anyone who wants them. READERS: Please let us know if you need to borrow one of our square/round card tables. If you can bring your own, it should not be larger than card table size (34" x 34" max). HEALERS: Please let us know if you need to use one of our bodywork tables, and whether you prefer one with a head cradle, or if you will bring your own. We create sign-up sheets and signage for the appointment table (from the photo and bio you submit with this application, which will also be on the website). INDOOR VENDORS: Please bing your own table or contact Amy Garber about using one of our 6-foot tables.
Please provide your own table (unless prior arrangements have been made; please see above), table covering, business cards/brochures, sign for your table (if desired) and please remember to bring CASH CHANGE and a way to ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS for client payments. Most of us use Square on our phones (grey and white icon) to take cards. Square allows you to manually enter the card numbers if you don't have a swiper (they mail one free to your house once you sign up.) There is free wifi: enlightenedsoulcenter, password esc2711! (exclamation mark at end). You may be located near an electrical outlet if you need to charge your phone, if you use that as a timer.
Set-up is 11:30 am unless earlier set-up is requested by texting Amy at 734-358-0218. READERS/HEALERS NEW TO OUR FAIR are encouraged to arrive between 11:15-11:30 am so there is time to show you our registration system before things get busy! If vendors need more time setting up, let Amy know ASAP. Otherwise, we are there setting up by 11:15 am Saturday and 11:30 am on Sunday. Vendors can sometimes set up on Friday with prior permission from Amy (please text me at 734-358-0218).
PLEASE everyone, be on time so we have time to gather for an OPTIONAL Opening Circle of intention/prayer around 11:50 am. We often have people waiting to get in as well.
COVID-19 POLICY as of June 4, 2022:
MASKS ARE OPTIONAL, but recommended when working closely with a client one-on-one, especially healers. Practitioners are expected to ask their clients if they prefer them to wear a mask during the service. We have a limited number of extra paper masks for sale at $1 each at the Front Desk if needed. Thanks for honoring our COVID-19 policy.
POLICY on CANCELLATIONS as of June 22, 2022:
If you cancel your Fair participation less than 2 weeks before the Fair date you may lose your booth fee, unless a suitable replacement can be recruited to take your place. If a substitute is found, you may transfer your booth fee to another Fair. THERE ARE NO REFUNDS.
Cancellations by a Free Participant less than 2 weeks before the Fair date may result in losing their place to be in the next Fair, or the next Fair that they have signed up for. We have a limited number of spots in this intimate setting, and any last-minute cancellations adversely affect our event!
There are 6 treatment rooms off the hall in the back of the building. Unless you are assigned to our one open shared room, DO NOT GO INTO THOSE ROOMS nor open them to store anything in them. If you have a storage or furniture issue, please contact Amy at 734-358-0218. Except for one room that may be assigned to a Fair participant, the rest are privately rented and are NOT for others' use.
(1) Please do not wear perfume, cologne, aftershave, or strong essential oils, because many of our patrons are very sensitive and, similarly, other psychics and energy workers may be extra sensitive as they open up themselves energetically to do their work.
(2) We ask that you not burn sage, scented candles, or incense to clear your space for the same reasons as above. Many of our patrons are very sensitive and, similarly, other psychics and energy workers may be extra sensitive as they open up themselves energetically to do their work. Unscented candles used responsibly with oversight are OK, but other items such as scented sprays should be cleared with your neighbors in the room first. We recommend energy or soft sound clearing instead, especially if you are in one of the public spaces like the Event Room (instead of a private room).
(3) The Event Room is not a large room, and loud sounds such as toning bowls are magnified and can be intrusive when someone is in the middle of the reading. Sound clearing in your space may be done with a client or in between clients if using a quieter tool such as tingsha bells and for a short duration. If in doubt as to whether a tool is allowed, please ask in advance and we may be able to accommodate you with another solution.
(4) Anyone under the influence of alcohol or other mind-altering substances is not allowed to work with clients. Psychic and energy work with clients involves being in complete control of your consciousness, and we are ethically bound to protect everyone's safety. Taking pain meds such as CBD that do not contain THC and do not make you "high" are allowed.
NOTE: If the category (e.g. "Reader") is not listed on the application for the date you want, THIS PROBABLY MEANS WE HAVE CLOSED THAT CATEGORY FOR THAT DATE, BECAUSE WE HAVE ENOUGH PEOPLE AND ARE NOT TAKING MORE in that category for that date.
If so, please DO NOT sign up for a different category than the correct one; instead, contact Amy by text at (734) 358-0218 to verify whether that date is closed for your chosen category and not a mistake.
If you sign up when you shouldn't, you have the option of applying your payment to another date or receiving a refund. Thank you!
Enlightened Soul Center
2711 Carpenter Road (between Washtenaw Ave. & Packard St.)
Ann Arbor 48108 ~ FREE PARKING adjacent to our building!
Entrance in back. Our own exclusive freestanding building to ourselves! After unloading, please move your car to the parking lot for the office building next door, to keep our lot and street parking on Central Ave. for customers. THANKS!
Payment is built into the below application form.
A pop-up window will appear when you hit the "Submit" button,
asking for Paypal or Stripe using credit card or debit card.
Please pay this way (unless you are a monthly ESC renter or a March 2020 Expo participant).
If you have trouble with the pop-up window, please see the instructions
below the form and let Amy know at 734-358-0218. Thank you!